Bioluminescence at Montreal Goldfield BioBlitz 2022

For 3 days in September 2022, during the weekend BioBlitz held at Bermagui’s Montreal Goldfield, local students participated in Bioluminescence, a project that really captured their imaginations and attention.

Over the 15, 16 & 17 September 2022, Scott Baker, assisted by Isaac Leihne and Jess Taunton, began workshops that culminated in a Bioluminescence projection event.

Students from both Bega and Narooma High Schools undertook 2 days of workshops, plus a day of setting up for the Saturday night performance.

10 students and 2 teachers joined facilitators Scott Baker and Isaac, with nature photographer/videographer Jess Taunton of Navigate Expeditions.

On day one, Thursday, students were introduced to the objectives, and underwent a short masterclass delivered by Ms Taunton. They captured some video footage of the goldfield’s environment, then edited and prepped the video for projection and mapping.

On Day 2, students dived in to the projection mapping and tried out the software. They planned for the Saturday event covering OH&S risk assessment, roles and responsibilities and mapped out the event. They then went out and began to set up the site, testing equipment.

On day three they set up the necessary leads, lights and projectors, and went over all the safety aspects.

They went over their shared roles of trail guides and video operation, and did a final set up and mapping fine tune.

Then came the performance.

The outcome was a visual feast in the bush surrounding the Montreal Goldfields History Centre. Though on a relatively small scale, it was plain to all that the future scope of such an event was infinite; that the mapping of trees and structures and the lighting, imagery and sound elements were just a taste of what is possible.

 Some of the feedback from the students and teachers:

 “Everyone should do this!”

What did you like best? – “The hands on learning of new skills”

What didn’t you like? – “Too short”

If this happened again what would you like to learn about – “Nothing else, just more time to


Would you be involved in future workshops? – “Hell yes! Sign me up!”

 Final thoughts from participating teachers were that students were really proud and excited about what they were able to create, and have had eyes opened to new possibilities.

The Atlas of Life was thrilled to be able to assist in the hosting of this event, a project that is all about skilling up young people of our region.

Crew & supporters:

• Lead facilitator – Scott Baker – 0432 604 886

• Technical support – Isaac Lynnah

• Video support – Jess Taunton, Navigate Expeditions

• Media & Promotion – Lisa Herbert

• Thanks to the volunteers of Montreal Goldfield

• In partnership with the Atlas of Life in the CoastalWilderness

• Supported by Inspiring Australia and the Atlas of Life – Far South Coast